Little Shop of Horrors (1960)

Harry’s comments on Little Shop of Horrors: Jack Nicholson had a small part when he was first starting working in pictures. While he was sitting in my make up chair for me to blacken some of is teeth, I told him the chair was magic and could make any wish come true. All he had to do was close his eyes, do a little wiggle in the chair, and make his wish. Jack looked at me and said that was silly. But, after I turned my back to get something from the table, I looked into the mirror and there was Jack….wiggling in the chair with his eyes closed and making a wish. Years later I was walking across the street at some studio with my make up chair folded under my arm. Jack ran up to me and told me that he had wished to win an academy award and that his wish had almost come true (He was nominated for best actor in Chinatown in 1974. He made me stop and set up my make up chair right in the middle of the street. He sat in it, closed his eyes, did the little wiggle and made another wish. This time it came true. He won Best Actor in 1975 for One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.